Boston Skydive Center

Boston Skydive Center

Boston Skydive Center

Boston Skydive Center needed a new logo and identity for their skydive business. I created a look and feel that emphasized the fun and freedom of doing something exciting and possibly life-threatening.
Boston Skydive Center needed a new logo and identity for their skydive business. I created a look and feel that emphasized the fun and freedom of doing something exciting and possibly life-threatening.
Boston Skydive Center needed a new logo and identity for their skydive business. I created a look and feel that emphasized the fun and freedom of doing something exciting and possibly life-threatening.

Secondary Logo
Secondary Logo
Secondary Logo

I also designed a landing page and business card showcasing the new brand by centering the art on the new logo and imagery that builds excitement for the service.
I also designed a landing page and business card showcasing the new brand by centering the art on the new logo and imagery that builds excitement for the service.
I also designed a landing page and business card showcasing the new brand by centering the art on the new logo and imagery that builds excitement for the service.
Landing Page
Landing Page
Landing Page

Business Card
Business Card
Business Card

Part of my research for this project was to find the average age range of skydivers because I wanted to create something that felt most relatable to those jumpers. According to a United States Parachute Association survey the ranges fall betwen 21 and 49. That's a wide range to market to!
As a result, I wanted to create a logo that would speak to wide range of ages - one that was easy to read and "get" - but I also wanted something that was "cool" enough for merchandising to younger people. My solution was to create a nice logo with a cool wink to falling that felt modern and fun along with a secondary logo that could fit in with a younger fashion aesthetic.
Part of my research for this project was to find the average age range of skydivers because I wanted to create something that felt most relatable to those jumpers. According to a United States Parachute Association survey the ranges fall betwen 21 and 49. That's a wide range to market to!
As a result, I wanted to create a logo that would speak to wide range of ages - one that was easy to read and "get" - but I also wanted something that was "cool" enough for merchandising to younger people. My solution was to create a nice logo with a cool wink to falling that felt modern and fun along with a secondary logo that could fit in with a younger fashion aesthetic.
Part of my research for this project was to find the average age range of skydivers because I wanted to create something that felt most relatable to those jumpers. According to a United States Parachute Association survey the ranges fall betwen 21 and 49. That's a wide range to market to!
As a result, I wanted to create a logo that would speak to wide range of ages - one that was easy to read and "get" - but I also wanted something that was "cool" enough for merchandising to younger people. My solution was to create a nice logo with a cool wink to falling that felt modern and fun along with a secondary logo that could fit in with a younger fashion aesthetic.

So whaddayA say? Wanna work with a real one?

So whaddayA say? Wanna work with a real one?